Why should you buy handcrated items and accessories for your wedding?
1. Custom Items: You can work directly with the crafter to design a unique item that is custom to your wedding theme, colors, or style. Some wedding themes and color schemes are so specific that it may be a challenge to find accessories and items that match your vision. Buying handcrafted enables you to design exaclty what you want for your wedding.
2. Affordable: Depending on the item, opting to purchase handmade can take some weight off your budget. Many crafters will offer discounts on orders of two or more. Most crafters work out of their home or small business studio and have less overhead than massproduced items from a factory. Its easier for crafters to pass the savings along to buyers than large companies.

4. Support Local Businesses: Buying handcrafted supports local busniess owners and crafters. It enables you to purchase items made in a prefered location. If you prefer items made in the USA, you can search for items with that preference.
5. Non-massproduced: Most handcrafted items are not produced on a mass scale. Handcrafted items have a higher product quality due to detailed hand creation.
6. Slave Free / Fair Labour Wage Practices / Safe Working Conditions: Expanding on the topic of massproduced items, most handcrafted items come from Slave Free, Fair Labour Wage Practices, and Safe Working Condition enviornments. That means no child labour or illegal labour was used in the making of your product.
Best Online Venue to Buy Handcrafted Items: http://www.etsy.com/
What is ETSY?
"Etsy is an online vending forum that focuses on handmade and vintage items, as well as art and craft supplies. These items cover a wide range including art, photography, clothing, jewelry, edibles, bath & beauty products, quilts, knick-knacks and toys. Many individuals also sell craft supplies like beads, wire, and jewelry-making tools. All vintage items must be at least 20 years old. These items range from old boots and ice skates, to dresses, hats and scarves." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etsy
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